So Cute ! Parks Marina- Mr Parks (87 years old and very hard of hearing!) met us as we pulled in. We according to Mr Parks we didn't do much right I dropped the fenders too fast, Ron wasn't goosing the throttle correctly. He was funny an of course he was yelling as he can't hear. We have our headsets on so Ron could not hear him. I just had to laugh. We met loopers that night from Florida- Norm and Susie Anderson on the Jubilant. Drank a couple bottle of wine and laughed a lot. They left early the next morning to run 70 miles. Ron loves breakfast out, so we walked into "town" and the breakfast place was closed. The only place open at 8:30 am was the Dr's office ( and the Dr is Mr. Park's daughter) Ron's knee has been hurting, so we asked for a Cortisone Shot. Well this island has no cell phone service and no internet. ( only at the public library that only opens on certain day and that is TBD) Ron's knee felt much better after the shot and we went back packed up and headed to Crisfield, MD. I don't think it stops raining in MD in May. Let's talk crab pots! it must be a state sport to dodge the crab traps as you cross the bay. Cruising channels mean NOTHING! The Chesapeake makes Tampa bay look calm. When we crossed from Reedville to Tangier Island I could have water Skied across not a ripple in the water. When we leftTanger Island we had 3-4 ' chop and more crab traps that I have ever seen!.